Experts in Shipping from China to Amazon FBA Warehouses

We are a proven freight forwarding leader with world class experience in ensuring your goods are delivered either by sea, air, or ground services direct to Amazon FBA warehouses.

We will price match any competitor.

submit your details and we'll provide you with a detailed quote that is very competitive.

One stop shop for door to door cargo delivery services.

Learn about the services we can provide to meet all your Amazon FBA shipping needs.

Amazon FBA Got You Intimidated?

Learn how gain an advantage by shipping goods from China direct to Amazon FBA warehouses.

Beat the competition with products sourced from China

Want to know how to send products from China direct to Amazon FBA warehouses and beat the competition?

Frequently Asked Questions for FBA shipment

As a seller engaged in Amazon platform, you should not only understand the customs and customs of various countries, but also some related import and export finance and tax knowledge, especially the complexity and difference of EU finance and tax system. Take freight forwarder Amazon FBA from China to UK as an example to talk about the taxes involved in the first stage of Amazon FBA.
Freight Forwarder Amazon FBA from China to UK
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1. Tariffs
Shipping cargo service from China learned that electronic products generally have no customs duties, while chemical products generally have customs duties. When FBA goods are transported, freight forwarders will say: advance payment of customs duties, package of customs duties, and payment of customs duties. In fact, these statements are all wrong. They all refer to VAT, and customs duties generally do not exist.
2. Import VAT
According to freight forwarder Amazon FBA from China to uk, the European union stipulates that 20% value-added tax on goods should be paid in advance when entering the eu region. British tax rate is 20%, Italian tax rate is 21%, French tax rate is 19.6%, and German tax rate is 19%. The base of tax payment is: the amount of import invoice.
3. Sales VAT
AmazonFBA sellers operate normally and legally, and need to pay 20% sales value-added tax at the same tax rate as import value-added tax. Shipping cargo service from China thinks that this will undoubtedly increase costs and reduce profits for sellers.
4. Income tax
After deducting product cost, operating cost and sales value-added tax from sales revenue, a certain percentage of income tax should be paid for net profit. According to Freight Forwarder Amazon FBA from China to UK, this part of income tax can basically be paid off when accounting firms make accounts, and it is legal to make the cost higher and the profit even, so it is not required to pay or seldom pay.
I hope I can help you with the introduction of taxes involved in Amazon FBA!

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Shipment cargo door to door service:How to operate Amazon FBA self-raising service
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